Leal Pearce, A Field Guide to Seeing New Land

Published by acb press 2021
Designed by Rohan Hutchinson
Edition of 150

The Arctic, the Southern Andes and the South Pole are widely recognised for the effects that climate crisis has had on the landscape. With society becoming more conscious of the impact of climate collapse, large numbers of photo-tourists now flock to these destinations. For an extended period, these locations have been dramatically shaped by the effects of the Anthropocene. It is only more recently that there has been an increase in the traffic to capture a landscape that is rapidly and unnaturally changing.

A Field Guide to Seeing New Land attempts to observe what compels the enthusiast photographer to travel to places in traumatic change and how photo-tourists are instructed to take photographs of their temporary surroundings.

The publication includes an instructional concertina field guide; this mimics Leal's work and references standard photographic guides of the 1970s.

©2024 Rohan Hutchinson

©2024 Rohan Hutchinson