Post Hiroshige is a body of work that continues my interest into
Japanese Architecture and representation of space both within artwork and
publication form.
The body of work draws inspiration from Historic
Japanese Ukiyo-Artist Hiroshige Utagawa. The interest lie in how Hiroshige
broke away with traditional mathematical formulas of the time, in-return
created a new way of seeing the natural and built landscape.
Colour used within the publication and artworks is the pigment data from
Hiroshige Utagawa’s work “Kinryuzan Temple Akasaka c 1830” (Provided by The
National Gallery of Victoria, Australia).
Post Hiroshige consists of a series artworks, a set of 3 of hand made
concertina books, a limited edition trade publication, along with a series of 3
pop-up cards made in collaboration with Paris based paper artist
Nicolas Codron.